Kalo ada yang liat Extravaganza hari ini, pasti liat ada seorang anak Indigo, karena penasaran gue cari di google, dan setelah liat ciri2 Adult Indigo hm....napa kok gue mirip yah....nah akhirnya i took the test....
Do you feel out of place in today's world?
Gak juga sih biasa aja....
Do you perceive the world very differently from most of the people you know?
Banyak hal yang gue pikir A dan orang pikir B kalo itu maksud pertanyaan ini....
Do you possess a deep desire to help the world by contributing or being of service in some way?
Yeah....mlh belakangan gue jadi pengen banget ikut social working, anyone could help me ?
Are you prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares or difficulties falling asleep?
Kalo ini sih nggak
Do you have difficulty conforming to the ways and norms of society?
Do you feel frustration at the thought of leading an average life i.e. marriage, 2 children, picket white fence syndrome?
Are you intelligent although do not/did not necessarily achieve top grades at school?
Are you very creative in the areas of art, music, science and/or technology and enjoy making things?
Do you have several on-going projects at any given time and often multi-task?
Do you have difficulty with authority: do you need to understand the reason behind what you're being asked to do?
Do you opt for leadership positions or working on your own rather than taking a team position?
The first one yeah
Do you have enormous empathy for others, yet are intolerant of stupidity?
Have you had psychic experiences from an early age?
Do you have an intense interest in spiritual matters?
Do you have food or environmental sensitivities?
Do you feel frustrated even hopeless at the 'old' ways of doing things in education, politics or medicine?
Do you feel there is a better way of doing things but don't know how to make a difference in the world?
Do you have a strong intuition or knowledge of things that are unexplainable or do you often have a feeling that something is about to happen?
Hm...kadang iya, terakhir kali begini tuh beberapa minggu lalu waktu gue pengen banget sms temen gue cewek tanya anaknya udah lahir blom, n ternyata saat itu tuh anaknya baru aja lahir....tepat di hari gue pengen nanya
Do you feel annoyed when you are around superficial people?
Do you have an intense desire for truth and honesty?
Can you easily see through people's hidden agendas and facades?
Do you have an awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities?
nope...but sometimes just thinking may be other worlds beside the world that we're in...
Do you sometimes feel wise beyond your years?
YEAH, some people said so
Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?
Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?
I already told u so
Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?
Are you a truth seeker?
Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?
Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?
Misunderstood by family?
Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?
Are you emotionally sensitive?
Did you have a difficult childhood?
Do you often feel dis-empowered by too much authority?
May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult
Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
the last one YEAH
May have trouble with RAGE
Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal
Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at “Big Brother watching you.”
Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.
Maybe hahaha
Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world
When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
They question everything. Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something. A typical answer to a question or statement is WHY are you asking? WHY do you want to know?
Yeah...pernah temen gue bilang, pasti boris akan nanya, kenapa nama restonya ayam goreng cianjur tapi adanya di anyer hahaha...yeah i'm definitely ask WHY....
Will often reject things, situations or people that aren't worth their time or energy
Yeah...expresi pertama gue PENTING yah ??
Have a strong connection or are involved with animal and human rights situations.
Have a strong connection with nature - animals, trees, plants, water.
Nggak juga sih biasa aja.....tapi empathy ke binatang mungkin
Have a strong sense of ethics and justice
Have had a sense of betrayal in life people and subsequent trust issues.
Love being touched and hugged - may have been very devoid of that growing up, and now crave it.
Are intolerant of stupidity - behavior, actions, words, viewpoints
Have felt very misunderstood through their life.
Have a deep longing to find others like them - kindred spirits, soulmates, twin souls.
May have difficulty expressing anger constructively.
They rebel against systems they consider dysfunctional, broken, ineffective ie. political, educational, relationship, medical, legal.
Random behavior or thought pattern (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD))
Yeah sometimes
Are mentally and energetically very speedy - are capable of retaining large amounts of information and memory.
Are very sensitive in all areas - food, additives, emotional, chemicals, electrical, pesticides
Will go through a time of awakening and seeking a deeper meaning to their life and understanding about the world and how they fit in.
Gue gak tau itu kebetulan ato apa, tapi gue baru nyadar kok semuanya sama yah...mungkin kadarnya gak banyak tapi gue jadi mikir...am i indigo ?
Sabtu, Januari 10, 2009
Am I Indigo Adult ?
Diposting oleh Boris di 21.24 0 komentar
Minggu, Desember 21, 2008
New Watch....
you will get something when u least expected...my new quote right now hahaha
Kemaren lagi jalan bareng bonyok, tapi jadinya nemu ini
Timex T49626EA
not an expensive watch...but lumayan worth it lah...haha dooh THR dah abis...blom beli celana buat sincia
Diposting oleh Boris di 08.44 0 komentar
Jumat, Desember 19, 2008
WishList 1
This is what i want for Xmas...

Nokia 5800 XPress Music !!!
Dari pada nungguin IPhone yang lama banget ga kluar2 di Indonesia mending incer ini, tapi kalo diinget harganya, worthed sih tapi sayang juga hahaha lagian hp gue dah butut banget wkakakak....beli gak yah ????
Diposting oleh Boris di 19.25 0 komentar
What Money Can Buy..
money can buy a house but not a home
money can buy a bed but not sleep
money can buy a clock but not time
money can buy a book but not knowledge
money can buy food but not an appetite
money can buy position but not respect
money can buy blood but not life
money can buy medicine but not health
money can buy sex but not love
money can buy insurance but not safety
dapet quote ini dari internet...masuk akal banget
Diposting oleh Boris di 19.23 0 komentar
Jumat, Desember 12, 2008
Kontes Printer Lawas....
Di detikinet ada kontes printer lawas alias printer jadul....nah pemenang bulan ini tuh Laser4 HP which is sekarang kata si pemenang udah rusak...gue jadi inget, di kantor gue itu banyak banget printer2 super jadul yang berumur lebih dari 10 tahun...kalo printer dotmatrix mah ga usah diomong, tuh printer 20 tahunan ada kali, dah butut banget, sampe rusak trus di servies, sampe darah penghabisa pokoknya. Tapi karena ituah akhirnya jadi pada kreatif....
Ngomongin ttg printer juga, fyi aja kalo canon itu mengeluarkan catridge printer nomor 40 dan 41 yang harganya sepasang hitam dan warna bisa sampe 500ribu. Tau cara iritnya ? kalo tinta habis, bolongin atasnya lalu suntik pake tinta refill.. refil terus sampe udah bocor dan gak bisa dipake lagi...abis itu buang ??? TENTU TIDAK...buka tutup catridge, keluarin busanya cuci pake aer, tunggu busanya kering, masukin lagi trus isi ama tinta refilan, dijamin akan seperti baru lagi....saking hematnya kita ckckckck
Diposting oleh Boris di 20.16 0 komentar
Selasa, Desember 02, 2008
i just bored...not in the good mood....really-really tired of all this stuff...plus think i'm lil bit sleepy...not a good day for me. Bored working on my office work, bored working on my web project, and my face show it all....! ARGHHHH.....i'm tired...physically, mentally...need a refresh !! or at least sumthing that can makes me happy....ARGHHHH....
Diposting oleh Boris di 19.48 0 komentar
Rabu, November 26, 2008
Udah lama juga gue ga blog dan makin lama gue makin jarang blog haha...bukan hanya gak ada yang diceritain dan lately lagi agak sibuk tapi hm...udah gak terlalu excited untuk nulis, sejak kerja ritme hidup gue mang agak berubah, hope i can be rich boy hahhaha nothing impossible....
Diposting oleh Boris di 21.06 0 komentar
Minggu, November 16, 2008
Quote said, people never change..yea sometimes its right but the fact is people sometimes change....and not easy for others to accept it especially if someones already enjoy with the situation.
The most significant change example is actually the bond between the parent and their kids....i was just thinking yesterday when i'm cutting my hair in a hair salon hahaha...there's a family with 3 sons...and looking at that 3 boys made me think that one day they will be grown up and becoming a different kind of person than what they are today. One day they won't cry or asking for help from their mom when the hair is on his body...they will not ask their dad to repair their toys....they won't go with their parent in the weekend and choose to spend it with their girl..and worse case scenario, the kid becoming a scum to their parent. hm.it's a change, something good for their own but as a parents the change might be not that good...looking at their kids not be around them anymore and looking their center of attention for years now gone, the kids aren't cute and sweet as they are when they're younger.
Some of the people in my life recently changing...dont know it's their decision to change cause they have to change,temporary change or other reason. It might be good for them...like what i've done. My friend once said i'm changing and she like dont know me...its good for me, but likely it isn't for others....change is good for them but it isn't for me...one thing i should do seems to be accept it...comfort is danger cause when u already enjoy it, lil different makes u hurt....
Diposting oleh Boris di 20.45 2 komentar
Jumat, November 07, 2008
From RosaPark to Obama
Gue inget beberapa taon lalu pernah ketemu sebuah artikel menarik tentang Rosa Park, wanita asal Montgomery,US yang jadi orang pertama menentang kebijakan rasis di public bus yang terkenal dengan kasus "MontgomeryBusBoycott" di tahun 1955-nya. Jadi ceritanya gini...dulu di Amerika ada kebijakan dimana dalam 1 bus, 4 baris pertama hanya boleh diduduki oleh orang kulit putih...it means orang kulit hitam duduk dari baris ke-5 kebelakang. Nah Rosa Parks ini duduk di baris ke 5 sementara 4 baris depannya dah full, dan datanglah orang kulit putih yang maksa duduk di baris ke-5. Secara peraturan orang kulit putih gak boleh duduk sebaris dengan orang kulit hitam, maka orang kulit hitam termasuk Rosa, disuruh duduk di baris belakangnya. Pastinya dia nolak, dia mutusin untuk turun dari bus and guess what ?? dia ditangkep polisi dan dipenjara. Tapi dari sanalah orang banyak yang sadar akan arti dari rasis dan banyak orang kulit hitam yang mulai movement. Walau akhirnya Rosa PArk agak kesusahan dalam cari kerja dimasa-masa mudanya itu.
But hey...look at black people now in America. 2008, 53 tahun kemudian who's the president ? haha..its interesting gimana sesuatu bisa berubah...apa yang kira-kira akan orang kuliat putih di tahun 1955 waktu itu lakukan kalo tau 53 tahun lagi negara yang mereka injak akan dipimpim oleh seorang kulit putih ? ras yang bahkan untuk duduk di bus aja harus dibelakang ?
But Obama is a great man...kharismanya bisa bikin semua orang nge-fans ama dia, gak liat warna kulit...kapan di Indonesia bisa kaya gitu ? when chinese or papua people can be a president ? we'll wait and see
Diposting oleh Boris di 21.31 1 komentar
Jumat, Oktober 31, 2008
Amazing Race Asia 3 rock !!!
Gue dah pernah bahas TAR Asia 1 kalo gak salah di blog gue ini, tapi kali ini TAR 3 beneran gila...seru abis, racenya parah, tantangannya berat banget, bisa sampe 48 jam full of challenge dengan sedikit waktu tidur, walau sayang gak ada tim dari Indonesia, tapi tetep this is the best reality show right now....gila banget, wondering gue ikutan nih race pasti akan seru walau gue tau gue mungkin gak akan kuat hahaha but it worth a try....
Diposting oleh Boris di 21.12 0 komentar